Mobile Phones

Mobile Phones
At Ely St. John's, pupils are not permitted to use mobile or other smart devices on school premises during the school day.  Mobile phones are not used for any curriculum teaching and learning and are not permitted during pupils' social time at break and lunch.
Mobile phones belonging to pupils may be allowed (turned off) on the school site but only in limited and clearly defined circumstances - e.g. medical/health reasons, safeguarding (walking/travelling home alone) reasons.  This is most likely to be the case for our oldest pupils - Year Six.  Application for such dispensation must be made by parents to the Headteacher, who will evaluate each case individually.
School staff are not responsible for any loss or damage to mobile devices in school and it is at the owner's own risk if they are brought onto the school site.
Staff (and other adults) use of mobile phones is made clear in the school 'Acceptable Use Policies' and 'Staff Code of Conduct'.