
Every day counts and at Ely St John's we aim to make every day a rewarding and enriching experience. Absence should be kept to an absolute minimum.
Parents do not have a right or entitlement to take children out for holidays though the Head teacher will have the discretion, within the criteria set by the Governing Body, to grant authorisation in exceptional circumstances, e.g. a death in the family.

If your child is unwell, please keep him/her at home until all signs of the illness have gone. Following sickness or diarrhoea, to help us to contain the spread of infection, please keep your child away from school for 48 hours after the symptoms have subsided. Please let us know at once if your child has an infectious disease.

In cases of illness please telephone us at school before 9.15am to let us know if your child will not be in school. Failure to do so will result in a text being sent to those parents of pupils for whom there is no known reason for absence. Please also give us notice of hospital, dental or doctor's appointments prior to the day of the appointment.