Teaching and Learning

The Curriculum at Ely St John's is exciting and varied. The children spend much time developing their key skills within activities that interest and motivate them. The development of skills is placed into practical, real life and meaningful contexts.

We aim to provide a rich environment for learning both inside and outside our school buildings. We value the outdoors as a learning resource as much as the classroom and take great pride in our nature garden, allotment, outdoor classroom, Foundation Stage courtyards and other outside areas. Learning outside the classroom is something which we value highly and are strongly committed to. We have recently become a Partnership School for the Royal Horticultural Society. We have won the coveted Bernie Parker Award on more than one occasion, for the use of our garden by all year groups and in all areas of the curriculum.


The curriculum is planned yearly to ensure consistency across classes and progression through the years. You will find the overall topic frameworks for each year group and termly topic webs on the year group pages on the school website.