Year 6 Autumn Blog

Welcome to Year 6!
We will post photos and information here on a regular basis, so you can keep up to date with what we are doing in class.
Expectations for weekly homework:
Spelling - see photo below for each week's words.
New words will be given on a Friday, and tested the following Friday. We will not send their spelling books home, as they are needed in class for daily practise, and weekly testing.
Maths - Weekly consolidation of work we have been looking at in class. This will be set on Wednesday, and completed homework will need to be returned on the following Wednesday.
Reading - preferably daily.
Once a week, get an adult to sign your sheet to show that you have been reading at home. 
See below for a Year 6 guide to reading at home. 
Autumn 1 PE (Both classes)
Monday - indoor - Fitness
Wednesday - outdoor - Tag Rugby
Our first unit of work for English is to write a non-chronological report, based on beetles. Our book that we are reading is Beetle Boy by M.G Leonard. What better way to kick-start our work, than by heading into the nature garden and making a beetle bucket. We are hoping to encourage these fascinating creatures to come and visit the homes we have made for them.
Maths - Cycling Squares.
We played a game that used our knowledge of square numbers. It was based on an NRich problem. We had a good go, and used lots of problem solving techniques, but we couldn't quite solve the problem. The resilience the children showed, and the perseverance, were amazing.
Could you have another try at home?
The link to the problem is here: 
Send in any successes to your teacher!