Homework Spring 2

Expectations for weekly homework:
New words will be given on a Friday, and tested the following Friday. We will not send their spelling books home, as they are needed in class for daily practise, and weekly testing.
Maths and English - Weekly consolidation of work we have been looking at in class. This will be set each Thursday, and completed homework (in books) must be returned by the following Wednesday. Maths and English homework will be alternated weekly. Answers to the homework will be posted here on a Monday. The children should mark their own work.
PLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL BE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR CHILDREN TO GET SOME SUPPORT IN A HOMEWORK CLUB AT 12:15 EACH FRIDAY. This is not an opportunity for children to complete homework, but to ask any questions they have before completing it at home.
Reading - daily.
Once a week, get an adult to sign your sheet to show that you have been reading at home. 
See below for a Year 6 guide to reading at home. 
Spring 2 Spelling
Week 1 - due 5th March
Week 2 - Due 12th March
Week 3 - Due 19th March